Sunday, November 23, 2008
The verdict's out...And its...expectedly dumb...
Friday, November 14, 2008
warning and beware!!!!!!!!!!!orang minyak spotted!!!!!!!!!!
(actualu ha.....he is as fair as the towel....and the wall...and the eye cencor....)
So skary la................
The sign LEAST desired to be seen in a HOSPITAL!!!!!!

Here are some interpretations of the sign
1) They wont let u out till u pay a gazillion bazilion dollars for a minor injury.
2) The doctors will make sure u go in with 1 problem and stay there with unlimited problems.
3) You might just rest in peace there!!!!
Hope they have some hawt nurse in there so the patients might enjoy their eternal stay.
generation Y
Generation X, people born between 1960 and 1979.
Generation Y, people born between 1980 and 1995.
Why do we call the last one generation Y? I did not know, but a caricaturist explains it eloquently below...Learned something new!

LOL........ kinda funny....but ....few days after reading the email....i got to witness myself a first hand of the Y-generation ....................and i will share with u guys.... deep....hahaha (is he the fake yoga model on my post b4 this????)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Malacca....the historical state or hisSORRY state!!!!!!
Malacca may give RM1,000 to men who take them as second wives
MARRIED men in Malacca may receive RM1,000 from the state government if they choose to take poor, single mothers as second wives, reported Harian Metro.
The daily quoted Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, who made the proposal, as stressing that the incentive would be given on condition, among others, that the men do not divorce their first wives.
He said the move was not to encourage polygamy but to ease the burden of single mothers who are dependent on welfare aid from various parties.
“The matter is still being considered. The state government will decide following discussions with various parties, including the Malacca Islamic Religious Department, Women and Family Development Council and Welfare Department,” he said.
In an effort to curb social ills such as illicit sex and Mat Rempit, Mohd Ali said the state government would consider giving a similar incentive to youths who get married before 30.
“Currently, young women have been discovered to have illegitimate children, tarnishing the image of Islam and that of their families.”
> The daily also highlighted a report about a man whose wife allegedly had an affair with a police officer after lodging a report on her missing car in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam, four months ago.
The man, known only as Salman, said he was initially not concerned when his 24-year-old wife received calls from the officer because he thought it was regarding the investigation.
However, after her car was found, the officer continued to contact his wife, he said, adding that they always went out together at night.
“I don’t understand why the officer wants to disturb my wife and my marriage.”
The daily said the officer has been transferred from the district police office to the Selangor police contingent headquarters. i got this frm The dun need search far for SR cases..oh SR= severe retardism.......)
LOLLLLLL....great idea rite????? isnt the CM of Malacca a genius.......this is a display of how high he place women in our social status........if the women NGO protest......i m SO SURE he will use the common UMNO MP tactic.....''i dun means it... i have mother toooo.....noo noo!!!! i dun mean it...i wont apologize'' bullshit is just too familiar...There are too many things i wanna say till...i cant even type 1......But anyway....frm The star again....i read a very good reply towards his great heroic and wise goes......
An insult to single mothers
I AM utterly disgusted by the report “Malacca may give RM1,000 to men who take them as second wives” (The Star, Nov 1).
The move is tantamount to selling off a single mother for the price of a mere RM1,000.
I lost my father when I was four months old. My mum was never that desperate that she wished to re-marry. To me, she is the greatest mum in the world. She is tough, kind, patient and determined.
Needless to say, my mum was very disappointed with the report.
The decision by the Malacca Government is an insult to all single mums, especially those living in Malacca. They perceive every single mother is desperate to re-marry. And this move will only encourage polygamy among men in Malacca.
The Malacca Government may have good intentions in making the suggestion but it must understand that single mothers are not stocks that can simply be sold off.
Single mothers, just like everyone out there, have dignity. What single mothers really want is to live a quiet life and bring up their children well so that they will eventually be able to take good care of her.
I truly believe that single mums are tougher and I urge the Malacca Government to seriously re-consider the move.
There are more hard-pressed matters to focus on during this time of recession. If the Malacca Government has so much money, why not give the RM1,000 or more directly to all the single mums in Malacca?
Kuala Lumpur.
(hail Mr Chuah.......very very gud reply )
Hang Tuah will rise frm his grave and use taming sari to rupture our Cm's head... i m sure mud will b flowing out....
Last message to CM(cock mind)...we hope u rule Malacca 4ever....and Malacca will b history......
can SOLAT be an alternative to YOGA???????
I am sure most of u who reads Star paper are aware of the recent fuss by the Fatwa council about Yoga being....unislamic......... Yoga...having Hindu essence and.......................So its unislamic............................................... ZZZZZZZZZZ this sentence itself makes u wanna laugh....r those fellas retard or sumthing????? dont they have any other work to do......Yoga is a form of exercise that improves our health many ways....and its being practiced in most countriess......
Its a healthy exercise and now this bunch of phD holders are discussing about it........whether muslims can practice them or nt...Why do these bunch of phD ppls lik to make simple things complicated...why do they need to judge everything...and who are they to determine whether it is islamic or unislamic....they are not divine beings or prophets.......ok ok....this is ridiculous read this....
Solat a good alternative to yoga
Wikipedia refers to yoga as traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India; to the goal achieved by those disciplines; and to one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy.
It is intimately connected to the religious beliefs and practices of the Indian religions. The influence of yoga is also visible in Buddhism.
Practising yoga won’t cause a Muslim to deviate and become a Hindu but copying or adding elements which are clearly from other religions is not acceptable in Islam. The reminder was given in Surah Al Kafirun.
By practising the act which is endorsed by the Hindu and Buddhism religions, one indirectly permits these religions although the faith in the heart remains unchanged.
Muslims who feel offended need to take this issue seriously. In Islam, there are so many healthy activities well known to be good for the health, physically and mentally.
One such activity is Solat, which is to be performed five times a day. Solat dictates a sequence of movements which is good for the body.
There are some health benefits in performing the prayer as it has been proven to increase concentration and refine memory, provide a calming effect and regulate stress, and make the body healthy and active.
Studies have shown that the act of sujud, or prostrating, in solat, encourages blood circulation to several nerves in the brain which do not receive regular blood flow in normal positions. The hearts and spines of pious Muslims are healthy as they receive constant stimulation.
So why look far for such stuff for a healthy lifestyle when you can find alternatives so close to you?
Sri Kembangan.
(this article is from The Star online )After reading this....alll i can say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
sorry and no offence towards Yb Tengku Azlan Sulaiman........but do u even understand yoga or practiced it before?????? its not standing there and posing for the camera...its rely bending our body to the max...and all those weird weird and impossible(fr me la..i fat ma) moves......... and now our wise Tengku is comparing it with..solat............a move of prostrating................................I m seriously not trying to ridicule Islam or their Solat....but how can u even compare solat and yoga in physical terms.....its nt comparable at all...its lik comparing...... a kancil and a BMW......heaven and earth........... are some of the predicted benefittors of Solat pratitioners....a devout one..a pious one....

Mr holy: I swear to god i only did Solat and this is wat i got.....

Mr pious : Thank u ur advice...
Bigger plan to encourage healthy body........commercials...

And for your information......The Pictures below are not yoga.....SO DUN COMPARE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008
lose me!!!!
1 day ull understand y m i so harsh.....................
'' The bull wont work or move if u don't pull the string hard enough"
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thailand, Our Friendly Neighbour.
so these are the pictures that appears in my mind....

EHhhhhhhh nononono she is nt in Thailand........ but haha she is staying in my head....i just cant get her out of my head...And dunt want to.....Love ji hyun.

Yeah baby......Thailand is full with very very hawt chicks(better check their ic b4 u wanna get close or sumthing..u might never knw..may b 'she' has bigger 'man ego' thn u) ..........and btw.....its the pink shirt fr me case there are any elderly readers or sick aunty lovers...the red one is fr u guys...


erm....this is a shemale...ladyboy.....hehe its kinda common there....but sum of these hybrids.....r much better looking then the real gals...haha........(see men dominate everywhere...haha they can also b the best gal....wahkaka)

And of course i dun mind bumping into uniform chicks.....
hehe damnn ive been thinking of gals ni.....but normal la...guys ma..i do think bout the foods there too........
And this is the key to all the pictures wonder la less than 10 mins can finish d......zzzzzzz 1 piece of paper.....with oni the address,name ,ic number and date..........and picture oso paste ni(and nt properly pasted)......10 minutes is kinda long d....zzzzzzzzz.. Malaysia boleh...
Malaysia maju 2020
Kedah maju 2010....(serious..i saw this in the billboards )
Unfortunately............................... 1 day before the saturday, our friend who is supposed to drive fever......and so the plan was cancelled................soooooo guudbye hawt chicks.........cant see them this my sick fren told that we might go in next week.....whn he gets those pictures are still lingering with hope in my head...and den today.....Tuesday...........i saw the papers.......

huhuhu its state of emergency.....Malaysians are nt advised to go in....huhuhu and btw...... look at that........knife....that cleaver...that butchering device...that giant..knife.................that.....thing...........i admire its beauty..... but...hehehe...mayb few years later ill say hello to Thailand......