Friday, June 27, 2008


HMMM if no one told me the cuming movie HANCOCK is about superhero.......i wont know it is....come on all you dirty minded dudes out there....HANCOCK??????? what a name???? it sounds lik its a guy with a super ability .... He can...put his hand on his cock??? or he is a chinese with the name HAN(i have this part too in my name) and he is either very cocky or he have a big cock(me too) or he jus talk cock(the fundamental building block of this blog)......................Whatever...i shud not critisize HANcock...cause its related to me(except the suuperhero abilities part..i can only super talk cock)..............i shud idolize HANDCOCK....

Damn...look at that mean big bird on his forehead........BIRD OF PREY...(Mine is bird of spray)

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